4 columns layout

Katherine Wong

Practical Nurse

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Nicholas Bryant


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Victoria Morgan


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Walter Jenkins

Dental Hygienist

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Scott Riley

Chief Dental Officer

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Johnny Fowler


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Eric Snyder

Dental Hygienist

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Martha Schmidt

Practical Nurse

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Katherine Wong

Practical Nurse

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3 columns layout

Scott Riley

Chief Medical Officer, Founder

With over 30 years of dental industry experience, Dr. Scott Riley serves as the Chief Dental Officer at Denta-C Clinic.

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Johnny Fowler


Johnny Fowler is the leading dentist at Denta-C and he boasts a 24 year-long career as a specialist in adult and pediatric dentistry.

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Eric Snyder

Dental Hygienist

Eric has worked at our office since 2007 as a dental hygienist. He is an extremely talented patient educator.

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